18 | 03 | 2011

NATURE MOBILE: Horses PRO and Horses PRO HD have been released and are available on the App Stores worldwide! Horses PRO was released couple of days earlier and is currently featured under “New and Noteworthy” in Germany and Austria.

Horses PRO – is an elegant and easy-to-use BREED IDENTIFICATION GUIDE with a built-in QUIZ GAME. Read fascinating information and learn facts about 180 world’s most popular horse and pony breeds. Browse more than 1500 professional pictures of stallions, mares, and foals by the world famous equestrian photographer BOB LANGRISH. Find your favorite horse or find the largest, friendliest, most agile, or any other horse that you like!
Use TV-OUT function to watch crisp slideshows on your TV, or simply turn your iPhone / iPad into digital picture frame.
For more detailed info and screenshots, check our Horses Pro App page.
10 | 01 | 2011

NATURE MOBILE: Birds Pro HD – is an elegant and easy-to-use BIRD IDENTIFICATION GUIDE with an integrated PICTURE and SOUND QUIZ GAME. Read fascinating information and learn facts about 230 common European bird species; browse more than 1500 PROFESSIONAL PICTURES of birds and listen to more than 460 spectacular CALLS AND SONGS.

Works with iPhone, iPod touch & iPad
Languages: English and German
17 | 12 | 2010

NATURE MOBILE: Ginny Pigs and Hamsters – is a stylish and easy-to-use BREED IDENTIFICATION GUIDE with an integrated QUIZ GAME. Read interesting information and learn facts about these fascinating, cute, little animals. Browse more than 250 pictures and listen to the most common sounds.

Works with iPhone, iPod touch & iPad
Languages: English and German
12 | 10 | 2010

“…und Alphablind Studio mit ihren Tierführern sind mit coolen Apps dabei.”
via Microsoft.com (Microsoft und Partner präsentieren Windows Phone 7-Smartphones)
Launch day approaching…
We’ll be there, from the start, with 3 apps. iKnow Dogs, iKnow Cats and iKnow Birds will be soon available for Windows Phone 7.
08 | 10 | 2010

NABU announced “Bird of the Year 2011″ and it’s Common Redstart.
We created a fun Flash game for NABU where Super-Gero travels to Africa. On the way it meets many friends and enemies. You have to be fast to make it all the way to Africa.
Das Spiel zum Vogel des Jahres 2011 (Play the game Online)